Who are we, and what do we do???

I have always been captivated by texture. In doing encaustic art I break the “rules” and add anything I can find that adds dimension to my work – fiber, found objects, and unexpected materials…no smooth, polished finishes for me. In underwater photography, I am entranced in trying to capture the amazing surface characteristics of the environment and its creatures big and small. Curves, shadows, layers, ridges, overlaps – they all make me wonder what else lies beneath or in the background. Combining this with the talents of a talented designer and custom cabinetmaker, together we are “Dimensional Diva”.


The foundation of our current work is paper; unique and distinctive handmade and hand-printed papers from around the globe that combine fibers, color, and textures into rich and varied sheets. They have always fascinated me. I’ve collected them for years in locations around the world from Asia to Africa, Europe to Australia. Using resin to add rigidity and structure I create 3-dimensional components that I can combine to create the ultimate in textures.


We are both also drawn to old, finely crafted items. Frames have been created by artisans and used for generations to hold pictures and keepsakes of family, friends, and important occasions. Many have elaborate patterns and designs – yet another texture! We refinish, re-paint, and give new life to the frames that are acquired from vintage markets, estates, and antique stores. They provide the first layer of texture and are enhanced with custom shadow box-style backs to create a home for the paper components.


All of our work is one of a kind. Using the proprietary resin process and art paper, we create wearables, and wall sculptures (both residential and commercial). Other products include our “House of Bling” homes for displaying jewelry or other treasures as wall art, coastal style lighting, furniture, and vintage work featuring one-of-a-kind original factory forms. Seasonally, we expand to create our “Glitz ‘n Glamour Holiday” pieces that are over the top décor pieces to add style and fun to your seasonal décor.

Once upon a time…a story

…in a 7th-grade art class, an innocent girl was painting away, much to the dismay of her teacher. He told her, “…maybe you should find something else to do”. Clearly he was trying to tell me that art was not my thing. So what did I do? While I was working away climbing the corporate ladder, I also took it upon myself to play with any materials I could get my hands on – metals, glass, paint, resin, wax…in total defiance of his suggestion.

Flash forward to 2017…I needed a statement piece of jewelry to wear to a wedding. I searched high and low for something perfect. When I couldn’t find anything spectacular, I decided to make it myself. I created a necklace and to my surprise, people loved it and asked me, “did you make that?” My answer was “yes I did!”. Then they said, “will you make one for me?” And my answer was “yes” again.

After the wedding I hung the necklace on my wall and decided two things.

1.      There should be a beautiful way to display a girl’s favorite jewelry in cool cases.

2.     My 7th grade teacher didn’t know a damn thing about art.

Having been fortunate to travel many places around the world I collected a small fortune in handmade, handcrafted paper – it fascinated me. The texture, the process, the colors…I had to have it. So the piles grew. There was paper in my office, the living room, the hallway…it was time to put all that beauty to use!

In the meantime, I found a picture frame. It was probably over a hundred years told and needed to be rescued for a new life.

I stared at the frame.

I stared at the paper.

The next thing I knew some of my beautiful art paper was in the old frame…and it was magic.

As destiny would have it, I met a talented cabinetmaker. I described to him one of my zany design ideas and said, “can you build that”? And the answer was “yes”!!

Since then, jewelry and wall art has expanded to furniture, lighting and other interior décor…and every time I ask the question, “can you build this?”, the answer is always “yes”.

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Absolutely. Can you imagine the amazing things we can create together? I promise to offer my personal contribution to making your project something as rare and unique as you are.

If there is something you have always wanted but could never seem to find, go ahead and ask me, “can you build this?” And the answer will always be a resounding “yes”!